Thursday, May 2, 2013

Murewa for change, a new era on the horizon. Hezvoo!!!!!!

Defending Zimbabwe, Defending its Resources, Defending Human Dignity. The best way to Defend it is to kill Zanu PF once and for all. Lets all Register to Vote tiine tariro. I travelled the areas in Mashonaland East yesterday, Hoyuyu, Karimazondo, Mutize, Mukarakate, Dombwe, Katiyo, Nyamapanda and Kotwa in particular. The support is so overwhelming and touching. Hanzi "Jairosi itai zvamuri kuita iko...ko tinemi". One old woman wept, I think she is in her 80s, she lament "asi musazotisiya tichipondwa vanangu". The moment she said that my heart sunk, I felt really moved. I began to question myself the real meaning and purpose of politics, especially African politics. Why do we have to kill, why do we have to maim, why do we have to rape and why do we have to cause such a psychological catastrophy?

The psychological damage done to our rural supporters is worrying and they need immediate rehabilation before the next election. Even when I got home wearing my MDC-T shirt and baseball cap, ambuya wangu was very frightened and wary. She said "muzukuru anoda kupisisa musha wasekuru wako nemagabenga here. Unoziva kuti musha wekwaMashaire wakaparara, sekuru wako Jonathan Mangwende waida kuvauraya nenyaya yaWard Nezi, Saka usaita kunge unopenga". Tinoziva wakadya mabhuku chaizvo asi handiwo angatidziirire kumagabenga. I had never seen my grandmother so furious, never.

I had to calm her down and talk to her giving her reassurence that everything is going to be different this time around, even though I was not very sure of my promise to her knowing the nature of Zanu PF. I then told her that, if needs be, "I will die defending you gogo". I am sure these words struck her deep that she started sobbing. My whole journey yesterday was rather momentous but very emotional.

Fellow agents of change, you and me need to go back to our rural home, sit our relatives down around a fire place and start this intense family theraupetic relationship in trying to rehabilitate them politically and psychologically. Go home wearing your MDC-T suit, proud and standing tall in it. The right to political affiliation is not negotiated, but it is a birth right.

Yours truly

The Heir to the Mangwende Chieftainship

Maita Gono, Maita Moyo Muzukuru, VaNhowe warere Bokoto

Majaira Jairosi


Anonymous said...

Haiwa tinotenda chief Kanhata ndiko kwedu kwaMukarakate kuna Matiza anocampaigner namabhora matatu.This tym haalume nemawhore vet avo iyayo we knw them

zpf war vet said...

kip deceiving urself boy...Zanu pf haina kwainoenda.,

Anonymous said...

@zpf war vet. We have heard this type of idiotic waffling before. Idi Amini said it, Gaddafi, and even Saddam. Mark my words.

Anonymous said...

on my way to nhedziwa,chimanimani kwandakaroora,from there am proceeding to my home area,chirimuhanzu,muwani kraal,ndopedzisira ndiri zvangu kwa mutasa,mandeya one ne two neMDC-T tshirt yangu,ndozodzoka zvangu kubasa capetown takadarao

Anonymous said...

Vajaira mbavha dzevanhu.Tichaitonga chete ini handife Chinja isati yamupower.

Anonymous said...

Ndiri paWuyuwuyu Handinete ZANU(PF) imbavha dzevanhu