This violence is relapsing amid calls from the MDC-T and SADC, that measures must be put in place to make sure that the next elections are free and fair. However, Mugabe has cast a very dark shadow on the prospects of having a free and fair election, by openly confirming that the playing ground has not always been level and will never be level for other contesting political parties.
The confirmation was very frank, but irresponsible, stupid and a clear indication of the infirmity of mind of the frail 89-year-old ruler. All what Mugabe was trying to remind us and those who think the elections are going to be free and fair is that Zanu (PF) has still got its state apparatus at its disposal to use against the will of the Zimbabweans.
As Mugabe and his Zanu PF have always done, they will use the chronically Zanunised government institutions such as the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP), the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO), Prison Services, the Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA), the Judiciary and the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) to manipulate processes that lead to a free and fair election.
Furthermore, Mugabe’s utterance also confirms the reason why years ago his party adamantly rejected to have the Ministry of Home Affairs being headed by an MDC-T member in the coalition government. He feared that this move was going to make it almost impossible for Zanu (PF) to abuse, especially the ZRP, which has a tradition of partisanship and rottenness in the way it executes its duties.
ZRP has been one of the most abused institutions by Zanu (PF). In 2002 and 2008 they turned most of the ZRP police stations to Zanu (PF) camps where notorious groups such as the Green bombers, Chipangano, Chinotimba and his misguided war veterans and CIOs were operating from. This was all sanctioned by Mugabe and Police Commissioner-General Augustine Chihuri to make sure that the playing field is not level to the detriment of other contesting parties.
Another institution which was hijacked and is still being abused by Zanu (PF), is the state owned Herald which is now a disgrace and a mockery to objective journalism. Thank God to the existence of other newspapers, otherwise the people of Zimbabwe were going to be subjected to a continuous feed of garbage from the Herald. The next MDC-T government has got a huge task ahead of cleansing the Herald to making sure that the current crop of bogus journalists are shown the door. They are not fit for purpose.
The re-emergence of violence is attributed to the fact that the Zanu (PF) is now frustrated by its failure in adopting a comprehensive campaign strategy in order to gain support. The failure includes a flop in marketing its indigenisation policy which is facing a stiff competition from the comprehension and well-articulated MDC-T Jobs, Upliftment, Investment Capital and the Environment (JUICE) blue print.
Zanu PF’s indigenisation policy has suffered a massive corruption pandemic just like what we have recently witnessed in the implementation of the Zimplats Indigenisation Transaction. Like Violence, corruption is deep rooted in Zanu (PF) and it has become its fundamental and distinctive characteristic (DNA) and it is unchangeable. In this regard, no sane person would vote for such a party.
What is happening now are clear signs of the times and an indication that it’s almost dawn. We are living in a time where a rogue in the name of Temba Mliswa declares a violent war against a member of his own party by sending a marauding team of Zanu (PF) retarded misfits to attack Sarah Mahoka.
On the other hand his dishonest uncle is fingered in the ruthless death of Christpower Maisiri in which he fraudulently claimed that his father Shepherd Maisiri was a member of Zanu (PF). This mischievous claim only came at a time when Mutasa was filing a court application to sue Newsday for calling him a liar in a case involving the late Ndabaningi Sithole’s Heroes Acre burial snub.
If anything goes by, it is the Chinhoyi diesel-from-a-rock drama that many of us will perceive Mutasa as a complete joke and a very deceitful person.
In a very pleasing way, all this hullabaloo is happening when Tsvangirai is busy ridding high, refining MDC-T polices such as health, in which the party will work towards the provision of free primary health care to all minimum wage earners, aged, orphans and the weak once in power.
Tsvangirai is busy working towards an MDC-T government that will restore the dignity of the police by reorienting our police service turning the police into a professional sector that serves and protects the people.
An MDC-T government that will ensure that never again shall the police be an instrument of fear or state oppression, but protects the citizens. An MDC-T that will reorient and transform the police to a service delivery force, one making impartial and non-partisan decisions or actions and developing a Community-based policing strategy.
Now, what is most encouraging is the inevitability and the certainty that Tsvangirai will be the next man, and for that matter from another political party, to hold Zimbabwe’s highest office since independence.
Whether they like it or not, Zanu PF has to come to terms with this fact that Tsvangirai will be the next president of Zimbabwe.
As such, we should remind them that their “Tsvimbo Mugotsi” (Clobber The To Submission) policy is primitive and will never work. They need to desist from it. Tomorrow is yet to come. Batai basa Save (Forward With Tsvangirai).
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