Saturday, March 23, 2013

Faces of ruthless social outcasts who are behind Beatrice Mtetwa’s arrest.

Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) Commissioner General Augustine Chihuri , now believed to be ravaged by Human immunodeficiency virus infection / acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Please not that we MUST not stigmatise the disease - anyone can have it and its not a death penalty as long as one sticks to ARVs.
Jonathan Moyo Tsholotsho MP, a political prostitute and known fraudster who swindled Kenya's Ford Foundation of US$ 88 000. He is believed to be bi-sexual and is currently going out with a transsexual known only as Mai Jukwa. Mai Jukwa used to be a man.
Johannes Tomana is an attorney and the current Attorney-General appointed by Mugabe. My friends described him as a useless Zanu PF resident bootlicker. He is behind all these rogue indefinite detentions without trial. A biggest stumbling block to fair trial.
Patrick Chinamasa is the current Minister of Justice. When we say Zimbabwe's justice system is under siege, we mean that this Border Gezi College of Misfits lecturer is running amok ordering bogus judges to sentence to death even a toddler as long as the minor's parents support MDC-T.
My fellow Zimbabweans, for how long shall we continue to live through this misery. Its high time that we find another alternative political party to lead us.  Pamberi na Morgan Tsvangirai, Pamberi newaTsigiri weMDC-T pamberi neruzhinji rweZimbabwe, Hezvoo uko!!!!!
Chorus: Mudzimu woye mudzimu woye, mudzimu woye Mwari tatambura, wachauyariini mudzimu woye wari mumapako, mudzimu woye Pharaoh atishungurudza ..............

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